Wildlife may be beautiful to watch but if they become destructive in your garden, those happy feelings can quickly turn into frustration. Rabbits and other small creatures can become far more destructive than deer so here’s how to protect your turf with a variety of safe wildlife deterrents:
What To Plant
One of the best ways to protect your garden is to plant perennials that go underground in the winter. Evergreen perennials like lavender or bergenia, have a reputation for being deer resistant but in winter months when food is scarce, a hungry animal will consume anything and everything evergreen. Rabbits also love annuals but don’t seem to bother plants planted in accent container pots. If all else fails, you can always place wire cloches over each plant. Deer, rabbits and other such animals won’t be able to nibble on the leaves or stems. Animals can adapt quickly so it’s important to change tactics. It’s important to note that regional differences play a part in what tactic may or may not work in a particular area, so talk to your local expert at Homefront Farmers about specific circumstances where you live.
Active Non-Chemical Deterrents
Some have found success with electromagnetic, or ultrasound devices. These devices have strobe lights that play high-frequency sounds when activated by motion. You could also have a power company install a light pole with an electric eye that comes on after dark or purchase a motion sensor light from a hardware store. Adding noise to your garden with a wind chime or leaving a radio playing nearby may cause animals to think a predator or human is in the garden, scaring them away. After a few exposures, they may be conditioned into keeping away from your plants.
Another tactic involves putting up a fence around the garden. A standard requirement for a deer fence is that it should be more than seven feet tall with a capacity for an electric shock system. Installing an invisible deer fence is an additional option but they tend to run at a more expensive cost. For moles, gophers and other underground pests, you can dig a trench a few feet down with ¾-inch chicken wire to protect the plants. Additionally, raised garden beds can also protect the garden from smaller animals or burrowers.
Want to know what we think is the best custom solution for protecting your garden? Reach out to your friendly expert garden consultants at Homefront Farmers for more information.