Diane Benisch

Diane Benisch
Diane Benisch grew up on the North Shore of Long Island. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Art History from Long Island University with a concentration in Photography. During school Diane worked for various garden centers, floral designers and nurseries. After college she took her artistic eye and photographic skills to work for The Jacques Cousteau Society in NYC. She continued to work weekends getting her hands dirty gardening. This cemented her decision to leave the concrete jungle and launch Diane Evelyn Benisch Landscape Design (DEBLD), her garden design, cultivation and maintenance business. Her most notable client was the Founder of “Miracle-Gro”. After 20+ years successfully working independently Diane joined the Hicks Nursery team, the premier destination for all things green on LI since 1853. Here she brought her passion for garden design to every customer’s project. Diane and long-time beau Couper are recent transplants from Long Island to Weston, Connecticut. In her spare time Diane enjoys yoga and sculling on Long Island Sound.