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Beekeeping benefits

Beekeeping is a great hobby and family activity which provides many other benefits.
Pollination: Honeybees are highly efficient pollinators that travel over a 3-mile radius in search of blossoms. Flower and vegetable gardens are more productive with the boost in pollination.
Hyper-local honey: The surplus raw honey produced in the hive is harvested and bottled.
Make an impact: Bees play a critical role in our ecosystem and food systems, yet they face more threats than ever. By bringing bees to your property, you can help bee populations and the local environment.
Homefront Farmers offers clients the benefits of keeping honeybees in their backyard while taking care of the installation, hive maintenance, and harvest. We start with a site visit to assess your property and identify a suitable hive location, learn about your beekeeping goals, and work with you to develop a beekeeping package that fits your location and needs. Once the plan is finalized, we schedule installation of the bees and follow-up maintenance services. Twice a month, we inspect the bees to monitor colony health and perform seasonally appropriate tasks and send a full visit report.
What will my new beehive look like and what does it include?
We offer two beehive designs, and each includes the bees and required equipment for a full beekeeping season. The Basic Hive, painted a traditional white with a tin cover, sits on a cement block hive stand. The Classic Hive, stained to maintain a natural wood look, includes a landing board, copper cover, and custom-built cedar hive stand. We also strongly recommend and offer electric fencing options since bears are known to smell a beehive from miles away and are capable of destroying an unprotected colony and equipment.
Hands Off: For those who want the benefits of keeping bees without the work. Our experienced beekeeper will take care of everything, from installation to seasonal colony maintenance.
Hive Tour: For those who want a hands-on experience with their bees. Periodically, clients will be able to suit up and experience their hive up close! We will loan out needed protective gear.

To learn more about our beekeeping services, contact us!

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